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VBS Activities for Preschool

Vacation Bible School, also known as VBS, allows children the chance to have fun while learning about Christ through activities. Preschoolers can enjoy hands-on games and crafts while attending VBS. With short attention spans, it is best to plan short games and easy crafts so the young children do not become bored. Rewards such as Biblical stickers and pockets Bibles are perfect incentives to encourage the children to try their best.
  1. Heaven Activities

    • Craft projects and activities give preschoolers a chance to show off their artistic skills in VBS class. Instruct the children to draw and color a picture of what they think Heaven looks like. Tell them to use their imagination. After they finish, have each preschooler stand up and explain his picture to the class. For added fun, have each child share with the class two things he wants to do in Heaven. Some examples include "Riding a white horse everywhere I travel" and "Seeing my grandfather who passed away two years ago."

    Edible Activities

    • Edible activities give young children a chance to relate food to the Bible during VBS. Preschoolers can make a "cup of life" to show them how much Jesus loves them. Give each child an ice cream cone and have her fill it with layers of miniature marshmallows, chocolate candies and raisins. They can use red licorice to make a heart shape on the top. While the children make this craft, explain each layer to them. For example, tell them the cone represents the "cup of life" Jesus gave us, the red heart reminds us that Jesus loves us, the raisins help us remember the bad things we do that make God sad, the marshmallows remind us that Jesus forgives our sins, and the colorful candies represent all the blessings we have in life. Wrap the edible craft in plastic wrap for the children to take home and enjoy. For another variation, have the children use the candy to write the word "Jesus" on a sheet of paper. After they finish, they can eat the candy Jesus craft.

    Bingo Activities

    • Games allow preschoolers a chance to have fun, relax and possibly win a few prizes at VBS. Print blank bingo cards and write different books of the Bible in each square. Give each preschooler a bingo card and a bowl of candies. Call out the names of the different books and hold up a flashcard so the preschooler can match it to the correct word on their bingo card. The first player to get bingo and yell, "I love Jesus," wins the game. For a variation, print Bible-related pictures, such as a cross, a rainbow, a church, Jesus and a dove, in the squares. Hold up the pictures and have the children mark off their cards.

    Noah's Ark Activities

    • Teach preschoolers about specific stories of the Bible with hands-on activities. Print Noah's Ark coloring pages from online and ask the preschoolers to color the crafts while talking to them about Noah's Ark. After they finish the crafts, play a game of animal memory match. Print pictures of animals (two of each) and place the pictures face down on a table. Have the preschoolers flip over two pictures at a time. If they find a match, they can go again. The child who finds the most animal matches wins the game. © HT Games