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Cool Teen Games

When planning a teen birthday party or gathering, you can include a variety of games to keep the party guests entertained. Games create memorable and fun times for all who attend the gathering. Entice the teens to play along by awarding prizes, such as gift cards and small electronics, to game winners.
  1. Non-Active Games

    • For a non-active game, try a game of "Name that Tune." Use a CD or MP3 player to download a variety of popular songs. Give each player a sheet of paper and play a few seconds of each song. Players must write down the name of the song. The player who has to most songs correct at the end of the game wins. Another non-active game is name bingo. Print blank bingo cards and have everyone fill out the cards using names of guests at the party. Put the letters of the alphabet in a bowl, and pick one letter at a time. The first player to earn a bingo wins the game.

    Active Games

    • Play a game of capture the flag by dividing the teens into two teams. Give each team a bandanna and send them into separate rooms. If you want to play outside, send one team in the front yard and one into the backyard. Have each team hide the bandanna and then have the teams switch rooms. The first team to find the hidden bandanna wins the game. For another active game, hide several glow-in-the-dark items at night and have players hunt for the items. The player who finds the most items wins the game.

    Individual Games

    • Inflate 20 balloons and scatter them on the ground. Set a timer for 2 minutes. Each player has two minutes to pick up as many balloons as he can. If a balloon pops, it does not count. The player who can pick up the most balloons in 2 minutes wins the game. For another balloon game, tie an inflated balloon to both ankles of each player. Each player must have an inflated balloon on each ankle. When you say "Go," players must try to stomp and pop each other's balloons, while protecting their own. Once a player's balloons pop, he is out of the game. The last player with an inflated balloon tied to his ankle wins the game.

    Messy Games

    • Line up five players at a time and give each player a coconut. Cut a small hole in the top of each coconut. When you say "Go," players must drink the coconut milk as fast as possible. The first player to drink all the milk with minimal spillage wins the game. For another messy game, place a large piece of bubble gum on a plate covered in whipped cream. Place several of these plates on a table and have each player stand in front of a plate. When you say "Go," the first player to find the gum, chew it up and blow a bubble wins the game. © HT Games