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How to Play the Game of Croquet

Croquet is a fun backyard game many have enjoyed for hundreds of years, originating in France. It was then picked up by the British, Scottish and made its way over to America in the late 1800s. It is played by royalty, and common people alike. It can be played in singles, teams, or even by yourself! There are competitive matches or just friendly games, any way you play you are sure to have a good time.

Things You'll Need

  • 9 wickets
  • 2 stakes
  • Mallets
  • Colored Balls
  • Yard stick or tape measure
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    • 1

      Set up your wickets and stakes in the grass. The general set up of the game looks like two large diamonds, one on top of the other. It should be about 50 feet wide and no more than 100 feet long.

    • 2

      Grab a mallet and a ball and proceed to the beginning of the court. Player one swings the mallet to hit their ball through the first wicket. If the balls make it through the first wicket, they earn points. Extra points are earned for hitting another players ball, or reaching the stakes before the other players. Each player gets only one swing per turn.

    • 3

      Continue on in order, getting a one swing attempt and getting your ball around the court, through each wicket and finally reaching the last stake. The order of the playing field weaves in and out on the right side, continues around the end stake and weaves back in and out along the left side.

    • 4

      Hit the ball though the last wicket and strike the beginning stake before the other players to win the game. Each player scores one point for each wicket the ball goes through and two points for each stake. If a player scores a wicket in one shot, they receive a bonus shot, but can have no more than two bonus shots in one turn. © HT Games