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Games for a Class to Play at a Senior Picnic

Many schools hold a senior class picnic as the school year nears an end. Senior picnics are a fun and memorable way for students to enjoy their time with classmates before moving on to the next stage in life. When planning a senior picnic, you can create a variety of games for the seniors to play to give them that last chance to mingle with friends they may not see for some time.
  1. Classic Games

    • Let the seniors relive their youth by playing a variety of classic games. Mark a starting line and a finish line 30 feet apart. The seniors can enjoy some relay races in teams or individually. Race ideas include sack races, bear crawling (bottom in the air on all fours), running backwards, hopping, skipping and crab walking (bottom facing the ground on all fours). For another classic game, tell the seniors to play a game of hide and seek -- a fun game certain to bring out their "inner child."

    Physical Games

    • Divide the seniors into teams of six or seven. Tell them you are going to call out an item and they must squeeze together to form the shape of the item. For example, if you say "bat," each group must form the shape of a bat. The first team to do this correctly earns a point. Other examples include a ball, a pair of sunglasses and a star. The first team to earn 10 points wins the game. For a variation, divide the seniors into two large teams and call out more difficult objects, such as a dog, the shape of the United States and a football. The team to earn 10 points first wins the game.

    Water Games

    • If the seniors do not mind getting wet, arrange some water games for them to play. Have each senior select a partner and give each pair a water balloon. Ask each pair to stand facing each other 6 feet apart. When you say "toss," one partner must toss the water balloon to her partner. If she catches it, they are still in the game and can take one giant step backwards. If she drops the balloon or it pops, she is out of the game. The pair who can toss the balloon from the farthest distance wins the game. For another water game, have the seniors divide into teams and play a game of water balloon volleyball. Follow the same rules as regular volleyball; however, players must use beach towels to catch and toss the water balloon over the net.

    Messy Games

    • A couple of cans of shaving cream can create some messy games for a senior picnic. Have the seniors select a partner. One partner must hold an inflated balloon in their lap covered with shaving cream. The other partners get plastic spoons. When you say "Go," players must "shave" the shaving cream off the balloons using the spoons. If a balloon pops, that pair is out of the game. The first team to shave off all the shaving cream wins the game. For another messy game, inflate several balloons with shaving cream. Put a couple of small rubber balls into some of the balloons. Place all of the balloons on a large tarp. The players must run to the balloons and sit on them, squeeze them or pop them any way they can. The players who pop and find the balloons with the balls in them win a prize, such as a gift card. © HT Games