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School Disco Games

When planning a disco night at school or teaching your class about the form of dance popular in the mid-1970s, you can create some entertaining games to take them back in time. Incorporate the styles, music and dances into games the students can play. Awarding small disco party balls and tie-dye prizes to game winners will keep the students ready for the next game.
  1. Disco Attire Games

    • Have the students come dressed in their best disco attire. Some examples include platform shoes, afro wigs and bellbottoms. Award prizes to the best, funniest and most realistic disco outfit. For another attire game, host a relay race. Divide the players into two teams. Mark a starting line and run-to line 20 feet away. Give the first player in each team line an afro wig, large platform shoes, a tie-dye shirt and bellbottoms. When you say "Race," the players must put on the disco outfits and race to the run-to line. They must do a disco dance move and run back to hand the outfit to the next player in line who must do the same thing. The first team to finish the relay wins the game.

    Disco Bingo Games

    • Print bingo cards with disco-related words or pictures, such as disco ball, a music note, a peace sign or a mood ring. Place the same words or pictures in a bowl and give each student a bingo card. Call out words or pictures and have the students mark off their cards with candy. The first player to get a bingo must yell "I love disco," to win a prize. For another bingo game, write the name of popular songs like "I Will Survive" and "Dance Dance Dance" in the bingo squares. Players must yell "I love to disco dance," when they get a bingo.

    Disco Dance Contests

    • Play the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack or some disco party mix CDs and tell the students to show off their best disco moves. Walk around judging the students and award prizes to the best, funniest, silliest and most creative disco dance moves. For another disco dance contest, divide the players into teams and send each team into a different room. The teams have 20 minutes to put together a disco dance to a disco song. After 20 minutes, have each group perform their disco song and moves. Award prizes to the best and most creative disco groups.

    Disco Ball Games

    • Have the students stand in a circle and give one student a disco ball. Play music and tell the students to toss the disco ball back and forth. When the music stops, the player holding the ball is out of the game. Keep eliminating one player each round until you have one player left. The last player remaining wins the disco ball or a prize. For another disco ball game, hang hula-hoops from the ceiling. Mark a standing line 10 feet from the hoops and have the students try to toss the disco balls through the hoops. Award a small prize to all players who make a disco ball in the hoop. © HT Games