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Western Theme Games

Bring back the Wild Wild West with entertaining Western-themed games. When hosting a birthday party or teaching your students about cowboys, create a few games that will take them back to this era. With a few supplies and careful planning, you have everything you need to get started. Awarding themed prizes to all game winners will encourage everyone to play along.
  1. Cowboy Hat Games

    • Print pictures of cowboy hats for one less than your total of players. Laminate them and place them on the floor in a circle. Play a country song and have guests walk around the circle. When the music stops, everyone must stand on a cowboy hat. The player not standing on a hat is out of the game. Remove a hat and keep playing. The last player standing on a hat wins the game. For another hat game, have everyone sit in a circle and hand one player a real cowboy hat. Play music and have everyone pass the hat around the circle. Each player must put the hat on before passing it to the next player. When the music stops, the player with the cowboy hat is out of the game. The last player remaining wins the game.

    Lasso Games

    • Fill 2-liter soda bottles with sand and mark a standing line 10 feet away from the bottles. Have everyone line up at the starting line. Give each player a rope with a loop tied on the end. Award a prize to each player who can "lasso" a bottle. For another lasso game, use twisted pretzels as "lassos." Divide players into two teams and give each player a straw. Each team must pass the pretzel lasso all the way down his team's line. The first player in line will place the pretzel lasso on his straw. He must then pass the lasso to the next player using only his straw. Players may not use their hands to touch the pretzel lasso, as it is passed down the line using only the straws. If a player drops the pretzel lasso, that team's relay must start over with the first player in that team line. The first team to finish wins the race.

    Shooting Games

    • Place several empty cans on a table or fence. Mark a line 5 feet from the cans and have everyone file in a row at the line. Give each player a water gun and have him try to shoot the cans off the fence. Award a prize to each player who knocks at least three cans off the fence. For another shooting game, create a relay race by dividing players into two teams. Put a can on the fence for each player in each team line. When you say, "Go," the first player in each team line must shoot a can off the fence. Each player must shoot a can off the fence. The first team to get all its cans knocked off the fence wins the game.

    Horse Games

    • Mark a starting line and finish line 25 feet apart. Have everyone file in a row on the starting line. When you say, "Race," everyone must get on their arms and legs (like a horse) and race to the finish line using these four limbs. The first player across the line wins the game. For another horse game, have players select a partner. One partner must sit atop the "horse" as he races to the finish line. The first team across the finish line wins the game. © HT Games