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Good Phone Games

Talking on the phone is a common way to keep in touch with friends and family. Playing phone games allows long-distance friends to bond as they participate in a common activity. While it may seem hard to play a game with someone not in the same room, here are a few options from which to choose.
  1. Online Games

    • If both people on the phone have a computer with Internet access, they can play online games together. Interactive games come in a range of types including puzzles, word games and role-playing games. Find a website that hosts free games you want to play such as Yahoo! Games ( The phone partners must each set up an account so they can connect with each other using screen names on the website.

    Noise Guessing Game

    • The tapping of a pencil on a desk may be an obvious sound to someone in the room, but when heard over the phone, it may be mysterious. Play a noise-guessing game with your phone friend. Each person takes turns making a noise with an object that is within reach. Limit the guesses to a certain number or offer hints along the way. Ideas of potential noise-making objects include a zipper or crunching paper.

    20 Questions

    • A game of traditional 20 questions becomes something more challenging when played on the phone. Start the game with one person choosing an object in the room. The other person then begins to ask questions -- starting with general queries before moving to specific inquiries -- in an attempt to guess the object. All questions may only have the possible answer of "yes" or "no." Once the person guesses the object correctly, it's her turn to choose an object.

    Trivia Questions

    • Trivia games are ideal to play over the phone because they don't rely on the two people being in the same room together. You may both opt to come up with your own questions on a specific topic or use standard questions if you own the same copy of a particular trivia game like Trivial Pursuit ( To play, take turns reading questions to each another while the other person answers. Using multiple-choice answers makes the game a bit easier, whereas open-ended questions add a challenging aspect. Decide upon one person to keep score before beginning. © HT Games