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Free URL Games

Uniform Resource Locator (URL) games are played directly on a website, meaning there is no need to download any program. But you must have the latest version of Flash Player, and in some cases, Java installed. When a game website appears on the screen, but for some reason the game doesn't, the lack of an updated Flash Player is usually the culprit. In these cases, visit the Flash website to get the latest update.
  1. Draw my Thing

    • Draw My Thing is a free URL game that can be played with up to seven players. Each player will get a turn to draw the word that appears on the top of the drawing box. The rest of the players will guess what that person is drawing. There is a time limit for drawing and guessing, and points are given for correct guesses.

    Text Twist

    • Text twist is for those who love word scrambles. The object is to find and create as many three- to five-letter words as there are blank boxes in a specific amount of time. The six-letter word must be found to continue on to the next round. To form a word, click on the letters required to make that word and hit enter. There is a twist button that can be used to re-scramble the letters if you are unable to find any more words.

    Yahtzee Party

    • Yahtzee Party is all about the roll of the dice. There are three rolls per round and 13 rounds altogether. The higher the score, the better your chances of winning. This is a multiplayer game and has a time limit. The purpose of Yahtzee Party is to roll and try to get a set such as all fours, threes or twos, a high straight (dice sequence such as one, two, three, four, five) or a full house (two of one number and three of another number). After rolling, simply place the score on the tally sheet.

    Uno Online

    • Uno Online is fashioned after the original card game. Each player receives seven cards of varying colors and numbers. When it is your turn, place down a card of the same color or number. You can also choose to use a wild card to change the color. If a card cannot be put down, a card must be picked up from the deck. If you still cannot play, the next person plays. When you get down to the last card, yell UNO! The first person who can lay all cards down wins. © HT Games