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Ice Breaker Activities in Space Exploration

Many children find outer space and all its surroundings intriguing. When planning an outer space birthday party or teaching students about space, create a few icebreaker activities to get them started on the excitement. Activities build social skills and help children learn in a fun way. Entice the children to play along and try their best by awarding space-themed prizes to all game winners.
  1. Space-Themed Scavenger Hunt

    • Hide several glow-in-the-dark moons, stars and planets around the play area. Give each child a small plastic bag to collect the space items. The child who collects the most items wins the game and a prize. Take a black marker and draw a small round dot on a couple of the space items. The children who find these items also win a small prize. For a variation, spray paint some rocks with gold or silver spray paint. Hide the "moon rocks" all over the play area for the children to hunt.

    Spaceship Contest

    • Place several items the children can use to build their own spaceship. Give the children items, such as cereal boxes, aluminum foil, plastic wrap, empty toilet paper rolls and paper towel rolls, shoe boxes, paint, markers, crayons, construction paper, glue, tape and polystyrene blocks. Tell the children they have 30 minutes to design a spaceship. Award prizes to the best, most creative, most realistic and funniest spaceships.

    Moon Rock Relay Race

    • Divide the players into two teams and have them line up at a starting line. Mark another line 20 feet from the starting line. Give the first player in each line a spoon and a "moon rock" (a rock spray painted with silver or gold paint). When you say, "race," the first player in each line must place the rock in the spoon and run to the other line. He must run back to the starting line to hand off the spoon to the next player in line. Each player must run with the moon rock in the spoon to the other line and back. The first team to finish the race wins the game.

    Planet Ring Toss

    • Spray paint different size polystyrene foam balls like planets. Scatter the "planets" around the play area. Mark a standing line 10 feet away from the planets. Give the children a hula hoop and let them try to toss the hula hoop onto the planets. Award a prize for each planet they ring. If you do not have hula hoops, you can make your own rings to toss using duct tape and rope. © HT Games