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Active Games for Small Groups

Keep everyone busy at your next party, gathering or picnic with active games. Active games work for small groups of adults or children. Games build social skills and help introduce guests. With a few inexpensive supplies and some imagination, you can create games that get everyone moving. Entice everyone to play by awarding small prizes to game winners.
  1. Ball Games

    • Have the players stand in a circle and hand one player a soft ball, such as a volleyball or soccer ball. The player with the ball will toss it toward another player in the circle and say "Head the ball" or "Catch the ball." The player must do the opposite of what she says. If she says, "Catch the ball," she must knock the ball away with her head. If she says, "Head the ball," the player must catch it. Any player who does it wrong is out of the game. The last player standing wins the game. For another ball game, have the small group stand in a circle and give them three beach balls to hit in the air. See how long they can keep all three balls up and have them try to beat their time each time they play.

    Balloon Games

    • Divide the small group into two teams. Inflate 20 balloons for each team (in different colors). When you say, "Go," each team must try to pop all the opposing team's balloons. The first team to pop all the other team's balloons wins the game. For a variation, the teams can try to pop their own balloons instead of the opposing team's balloons.

    Ping-Pong Games

    • Divide the small group into two teams. Have one team hold on to one side of a bed sheet and other team hold on to the opposite side. Place a ping-pong in the middle of the sheet. Player must try to get the ball to fall off the opposing team's side. If the ball goes off the end of the sheet, it doesn't count against anyone. Teams earn points by getting the ball off the opposite side of the sheet. The first team to earn five points wins the game. For another ping-pong game, have all the players line up with a straw and a ping-pong ball. Mark a starting line and finish line 20 feet apart on a hard surface. Players must use the straw to blow their straw to the finish line. The first player to the finish line wins the game.

    Balancing Games

    • Give players a beanbag to put on their head. After one minute, hand each player another beanbag that they must add to their heads. If any of the beanbags fall off, that player is out of the game. Every minute, give players another beanbag to balance. The last player standing wins the game. Other items you can use include small cups and coins. © HT Games