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Bola Ladder Golf Game Building Instructions

Bola ladder golf is an outdoor party game where players or teams attempt to toss scoring bolas, consisting of a pair of golf balls connected by cord, around the rungs of a PVC pipe scoring ladder. As the goals are made of simple PVC they can easily be taken apart for storage, then put back together when you want to play, without the need for any tools beyond the initial creation of the scoring bolas.

Things You'll Need

  • 14 PVC pipes, 1 inch diameter, 2 feet long
  • 16 PVC pipes, 1 inch diameter, 1 foot long
  • 12 PVC elbow couplings
  • 12 PVC T-couplings
  • Power drill
  • Drill bit, 1/4 inch bit
  • 12 golf balls
  • 2 cans spray paint, different colors
  • 6 cords, 18 inches long, 3/16 inch diameter
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    • 1

      Attach an elbow to each end of a two-foot long pipe, then attach a one-foot long pipe into the remaining opening on each elbow.

    • 2

      Attach a T-coupling to the open end of each of the one-foot pipes that are mounted in the elbows, attaching the pipes to a top of the T opening on each coupling.

    • 3

      Attach an elbow to each end of a two-foot long pipe, then attach a two-foot long pipe into the remaining opening on each elbow.

    • 4

      Insert the open end of the two-foot long pipes from the prior step into the remaining top of the T openings on the T-couplings. This completes a base piece, two feet wide and three feet long.

    • 5

      Attach an elbow to each end of a two-foot long pipe, then attach a one-foot long pipe into the remaining opening on each elbow. This is the top rung of the scoring ladder.

    • 6

      Attach the bottom openings of a pair of T-couplings to each end of a two-foot long pipe, then attach a one-foot long pipe to one top opening of each T-coupling, so the one-foot pipes point in the same direction. Repeat for a second identical piece to create the second and third scoring rungs.

    • 7

      Attach the open end of the pipes extending from the top rung into the remaining openings on the T-couplings for the second rung, and the open end of the pipes extending from the second rung into the remaining openings on the T-couplings for the third rung. This completes the scoring ladder.

    • 8

      Insert the open ends of the pipes extending from the third scoring rung into the open ends of the T-couplings on the base piece to complete the ladder. Construct the second ladder with the same dimensions.

    • 9

      Drill a hole through the middle of each golf ball.

    • 10

      Spray six balls one color and six balls a different color then leave to dry.

    • 11

      Tie a knot near the end of each cord, then thread one ball onto each cord, so three cords have a ball of one color and three cords have a ball of the other color.

    • 12

      Tie a second knot in each rope, securing the ball snug against the first knot.

    • 13

      Tie a knot in each rope three inches from the end that does not have a golf ball, thread a ball of matching color on each, then tie a knot to secure the ball in place. This completes your six throwing bolas, three for each team. © HT Games