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Fun Color Games

If you are having friends over for an indoor or outdoor gathering, involve everyone in a color game. Color games include different hues or brightly colored objects as the focal point of the game. Play a word game to challenge your concentration or physical stamina.
  1. Pool Color Game

    • Have a person who is "it" stand outside the swimming pool. The rest of the players enter the pool and hold onto the edge of the pool under the person who is "it." The "it" person turns turn around and faces away from the rest of the players. Players each secretly choose a color and keep it to themselves. The "it" player thinks of different colors and calls them out one at a time. Players in the pool quietly try and swim to the other side of the pool if their color is called. If the player outside the pool hears a person swimming, he turns around, jumps into the pool and tries to tag the player. If a player is tagged, he becomes the new "it." If the "it" player turns around and nobody is swimming, he must take a step away from the side of the pool.

    I Spy

    • Gather a group of people and have one person begin the game. The player looks around the room and says, "I spy, with my little eye, the color (fill in the blank)." Each player looks around the room and tries and guess the colored object. The player who guesses the object correctly gets to pick a different colored object for the next round. Make sure you pick a common color in the room to give players a harder time guessing the correct object.

    Capture the Flag

    • In Capture the Flag, each team has a different colored flag and players must try and "capture" the other team's flag without getting tagged. Players divide into two equal teams on a playing field with a dividing line down the center. Assign a side or territory and a specific flag color to each team. Each team should have large colored square cloths (flags) for each player. Players on both teams lay their colored flags on the far ends of their territories away from the dividing line. To play the game, players try and cross over into the other team's territory and steal all their flags without getting tagged by an opposing player. If a player is tagged, she becomes a prisoner and must wait on the enemy's side until one of her teammates tags her. If a player steals a flag without being tagged by the enemy team, she walks freely back to her territory. The team that collects all of the other team's colored flags wins the game.

    Diving Rings

    • Next time you decide to go swimming with friends, bring along a set of colored diving rings. Diving rings are colored, plastic rings that you let sink to the bottom of a swimming pool. Have players jump into a swimming pool and see who is able to dive and collect the most rings. Divide into teams and have players look for specific colored rings. © HT Games