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Playable Archery Games

Archery is an ancient practice involving firing an arrow from a bow at a specified target. Beyond this simple practice, a variety of recreational games have evolved and a few of them are worth examining for the different kinds of fun they can provide for enthusiasts. Whether it's archery golf, archery javelin, clout shooting or archery darts, archers can find a game that interests them.
  1. Clout Shooting

    • "This is an ancient form of archery derived from military target practice. It takes place over a maximum distance of 165 m for men, and 128 m for women.

      There is a small flagstick with the flag --- called the clout --- being placed as close to the ground as possible" and "there is a circular area marked around the clout with a radius of 12 feet. The idea is to get the arrows to land within this circle, as close to the clout as possible," according to the Sports Rules website.

    Archery Golf

    • Archery golf follows the same basic rules as regular golf except it uses arrows instead of golf balls. It is "played on a normal golf course. Each 'shot' consists of firing an arrow down the fairway towards the hole, with the first one being fired from the tee and subsequent shots being taken from where the previous arrow landed," according the the Oxford University Company of Archers. A hole is finally completed by a golfer when her arrow hits a 4-foot area on the same level as the golf hole being played.

    Archery Darts

    • Archery darts is played the same way as regular darts. Players can buy or create large dartboards to shoot at from any distance to challenge themselves. This is one of the most adaptable archery games because of the great similarity between darts and arrows in both shape and design.

    Archery Javelin

    • Archery Javelin "is known as Flight Shooting, but it's equivalent to javelin throwing. You simply have to shoot an arrow as far as possible. You will need a long range," according the the Oxford University Company of Archers. Depending on the skill of the archers and the power behind the bows used, the long range is necessary. A long field will contain the shots for safety and also allow for greater challenges. © HT Games