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Fun Games to Play for Special Events

Fun games to play for special events can be utilized to extend the duration of party and as a social tool to help individuals who have not interacted before get together. Whether it is a birthday party for a young child or a wedding shower for a bride-to-be, a variety of games and activities can be performed at your special event.
  1. Elbow Tag Game

    • This backyard game can performed at any children's birthday party or special event. Divide a group of kids up into pairs. Each pair of kids should be linked together by their arms. In addition to the children who are linked, have a kid who is not linked to anyone be "it." Have an additional kid who is not "it" or linked to another kid be pursued by the tagger. While the player who is "it" chases the pursued, the pursued player can link up with any of the pairs of kids. The player in the chain he does not link arms with must break away from the chain and run away from the player who is "it." This player can either link up with another pair to avoid being tagged or continue to outrun the player who is "it".

    Graduation Photo Timeline Game

    • This game is designed specifically for a child's graduation from school. Take a picture from every year of your child's life and mix them together in a random order. Have the guests at your party break up into two teams. Have both teams try to place the pictures in chronological order in the shortest amount of time. The teams can either go one after the other or you can make copies of the pictures so they can play at the same time.

    Balloon Sandwich

    • This game requires kids to work together to cross the finish line. Divide a group of kids into pairs. Have them stand at a starting line with a balloon balancing between their backs. On your mark, have the kids move as quickly as they can towards the finish line without dropping or popping the balloon. If the balloon falls on the ground, the kids must pick it up and place it between their backs before moving on. The first team to the finish line wins.

    Wedding Shower Trivia

    • This game is often played to test the knowledge of the guests at your wedding shower. Write down a list of questions pertaining to the bride and groom. From here, have each guest at the wedding shower answer as many questions as she can, writing them down on individual pieces of paper. The winner of the game is the player with the most correct answers. You can give out a prize or gift to the winning player. © HT Games