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Boucing Ball Games

Dozens, if not hundreds, of games involve a ball in some aspect. If all you have is a bouncy ball and some time to kill a lot of options are available to you. Some games require several players, or a few other pieces of equipment, but the main component that you need is a ball.
  1. Jacks

    • For jacks all you need are jacks (or small stones) that you can throw down into a circle, and a bouncy ball. You drop the ball, snatch the proper number of jacks (or as many as you can snatch depending on the rules), and then catch the ball when it bounces back up. The game requires speed, dexterity, hand-eye coordination and a sense of fair play.

    4 Square

    • If you have a piece of chalk, or a convenient square divided into quarters, and a ball you can play four square. Players each stand in one corner of the square, and they have to bounce the ball to another player. The ball must bounce into your own square first, and then the player must catch it in his square. The game is supposed to begin slow and speed up as you go.


    • This game requires a bouncy ball and a wall you can bounce it off of. Similar to hopscotch, the player bounces the ball against the wall chanting "1, 2, 3, O'Leary" in sections of three until reaching the last section of "10, Officer O'Leary." Once players meet that level they begin again at the beginning, using alternating hands to toss the ball, standing on one leg, etc. until one player makes a mistake.

    Video Games

    • A large variety of video games are based off of bouncing balls. Pong, perhaps the first ever video game, is nothing more than a game keeping a bouncing ball between two paddles. Bricks, a game where you bounce a ball against bricks to destroy them, is another example. The Internet is full of games that involve bouncing balls, including the aptly named Bouncing Balls, which you can play online for free. © HT Games