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Women's Fellowship Icebreaker Ideas

Women need women. Women need each other for companionship, support and to get things done. But when women who don't know each other get together for the first time, many are shy and on guard. Good facilitators get past this in women's fellowship groups by using icebreaker exercises that exchange information and laughs to bring down the walls.
  1. The Toilet Paper Game

    • Arrange the women in a circle, or in circles. Hand each circle a roll of toilet paper, and tell them that this is the toilet paper they will have for the duration of the event. Tell them to tear off enough for themselves and pass it along to the next person. Once the toilet paper has been passed around, instruct the individuals in the circle to tell the circle one thing about herself for each square of toilet paper she has torn off. Some will have torn off a lot, and the laughter will start.

    Playdoh Resolutions

    • Give each woman a numbered card. Tell each woman to write down their New Year's resolutions on the back of the card -- no talking - and place the resolution down and the number up. Hand each woman a box of Playdoh. Have them use the Playdoh -- no talking -- to display their New Year's resolutions. Then have each of the women rotate through the cards and Playdoh displays, writing on a post-it note what she thinks the resolution is. Then have the women go back to their cards, reading the guesses aloud, and then revealing the actual resolutions.

    Life Saver Relay

    • Organize the group into two equal teams, each in a line parallel to the other. Give each person a toothpick. Place two tables at one end of the teams, with bowls on each table. On one end, the bowls will have 10 Life Savers. Instruct everyone to place the toothpick between her front teeth and do not touch it. Teams will then race to get a Life Saver out of the bowl, using only the toothpicks, and pass it from person to person -- again using only toothpicks held in the teeth -- through the entire team to get a Life Saver into the bowl at the other end. If a Life Saver drops, the team has to start over with another one.

    Yurt Circle

    • Arrange the women an even number in a circle, facing the center. Have them hold hands. Have them count off by twos; that is, one, then two, then one, then two, etc. Have all the ones lean back, while all the twos lean forward. The circle will balance between ins and outs. Then tell them to switch without falling. They will have to communicate to do it, and establish trust that the counterpart will do her part to ensure no one falls. © HT Games