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Cute Baby Cat Games for Girls

Baby cat games mimic the fashion-forward and grooming trends pet owners indulge in. Web sites devoted to baby cat games, allowing girls to primp, dress and care for their virtual pet. Interactive sites enable a player to practice her kitten-raising skills, including feeding, disciplining and training of a baby pet. Activity and adventure games stimulate imagination and develop motor skills.
  1. Computer games may be played alone or in groups.

    • Girls spend quality time at home enjoying vitual baby cat games.

      Infant Pussy Cat games online are designed for single or multiple players. Role-playing video adventures provide the catalyst for learning and fun. Games may be played independently, without adult assistance. "Kitten Maker" invites girls to create their favourite features and customize the appearance of their virtual pet. The game involves clicking on categories and subcategories repeatedly with the mouse to enhance the kitten with perfect paws, facial features and coloring.

    Hello Kitty

    • Girls like to play popular kitten games on line.

      Hello Kitty is an adorable kitten of Chinese origin, much like the original Barbie doll that is an essential companion on the school playground or public park. A variety of endorsed merchandise for the consumer includes board games and those designed for the gaming market. Numerous web sites offer a variety of Hello Kitty games, where girls navigate and race around to score points. Activities to bring out the inner artist include coloring and designing a room.

    Dress Up Games for Kittens

    • Girls cultivate their fashion sense with online pets.

      Free online dress-up games allow girls to beautify their virtual baby animals. Girls cultivate their fashion sense by choosing outfits and costumes while playing. As in "Fluffy Starz Dress Up Game," the mouse is used with a drag and drop technique to color coordinate clothing and accessories for a white fluffy kitten. Holiday and special occasion dress-up games are prevalent on most sites. Accompanying music or meows add excitement and interest to the game.

    Activity games contain different levels for fun.

    • Young ladies entertain themselves with adventure games.

      Adventure games provide several activities in one game. The roll of the dice on a virtual board in "Fluffy's Kitchen Adventure" enables players to match shapes and letters, follow mazes and color kitty. Easy instructions allow the girls to move through different levels of the game. If difficulty is experienced on one level, they simply click on the X on the right hand corner of the game to exit that board. © HT Games