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Games to Teach Following Directions

Following directions is an important skill for all children to learn, especially while in school. It's necessary for children to learn to read or listen to directions thoroughly before starting an assignment so that they complete the task correctly. There are various ways to teach children how to follow directions, using visual or auditory methods. Games can be a fun way for children to develop the skill of following directions.

Things You'll Need

  • Paper
  • Pencils
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    • 1

      Play the game "Simon Says" with children between the ages of five and twelve. Act as "Simon" or select one person to be "Simon" who gives directions to the group such as "raise your right arm" or "hop on your left leg." Tell the group they must follow the directions as long as Simon uses the phrase "Simon says" first. Have the students sit down who don't perform Simon's command properly or if Simon gives a command without saying "Simon says" first and they follow it anyway. Last student standing wins.

    • 2

      Read directions out loud and have the children follow them without writing them down. Let them know that you will only repeat the directions once and the object of the game is to complete the directions after hearing them. For example, tell the class to write down numbers one through ten in order on a page; circle the number six; fold the paper in half; draw a star in the upper left corner of the page; write their name in the upper right corner; poke a hole in the middle of the paper; draw a heart around the hole. Allow them a few minutes to complete the tasks. Give more or fewer directions to make the game more or less challenging for the particular group of students.

    • 3

      Teach the game "Mother May I" with children ten or under. Play this game by having one person be "Mother" standing on one side of the room, with the rest of the players on the opposite side of the room. Have the person who is Mother say to the first person in line something like, "Take five steps forward" or "Take two baby steps backward." Tell the player he must first say "Mother May I" before doing the action. Instruct Mother to respond with "Yes, you may" or "No, you may not." Tell the player that if Mother says "yes," then he performs the action, if "no" then he stays still and Mother moves on to the next person. Have the player sit down if he performs the direction incorrectly or without saying "Mother May I" first. The first person to reach "Mother" wins and becomes the new Mother. © HT Games