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Fun Health Games

Public awareness of health and fitness issues has made for a wide variety of free online health games. Health-related games are available for both children and adults, and span a multitude of topics including physical fitness, nutrition, memory and even child care. Many health conscious games can be played at home, including video games, sports and outdoor recreation activities for children and adults.
  1. Adult Online Games

    • Web MD offers a variety of games for adults which reach into topics of interest, from digestive health to a restless leg syndrome game. Discovery Health offers games for adults such as National Body Challenge games, healthy parenting games and health puzzles. Fit Brains offers mind sharpening games that are designed to help the brain in different categories, including concentration, problem solving, language and memory.

    Kids Online Games

    • PBS Kids has many child friendly learning games to play including an entire section devoted to health topics. Blue Kids is an online site devoted to children's health, and offers seven different games to help children learn about the body. Kids Health is an online collection of health related games, recipes and science experiments to perform on candy. Game options include a jack-o-lantern which counts calories in candy, a spelling bee for health-related words and Mission Nutrition, which helps kids choose foods to pull out of the refrigerator.

    Video Games

    • Yes, video games can be healthy. According to an October 2009 article by CNN titled "Are Video Games Good For Your Health," video game play in reasonable amounts may actually be good for you. In certain studies, action games were shown to sharpen vision, analytical thinking games like Tetris increased brain efficiency and certain Nintendo Wii games increased balance and fitness. A study conducted in Iowa State University showed that surgeons' hand-eye coordination was statistically improved by playing video games for three hours a week.

    Physical Activities Games

    • Some of the best health games are those which require physical activity. Teach kids to get in the habit of performing at least one hour of physical activities every day with healthy games. Play catch, soccer and basketball. Play swimming games such as water basketball, races and diving for objects. Organize games while friends are over, such as capture the flag, double dutch jump rope and backyard touch football. © HT Games