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Camp Games for Boys

Camp is an exciting opportunity for kids to make new friends and develop new skills. To keep camp fun and interesting, campers should take part in active games. Games can be used as ice breaker at the beginning of camp for children to get to know each other or throughout the course of the day.
  1. Truth and Lie

    • This game can be used as an ice breaker game. Boys will stand in a circle and one boy will be elected to come forward and tell two true facts about himself and one lie. The rest of the group will discuss which facts are true and which they think is a lie. After discussing, the group will announce which fact is a lie and explain why they thought that. The camp leader will tell the group whether they are right or wrong and another boy will be elected to tell two truths and one lie until everyone in the group has had a turn.

    Orbit Game

    • Split the boys into two groups. One group will lay on the floor in a circle with their shoes off, with their heads towards the center and their feet in the air. The second group will form a circle around the group on the floor. One boy from the group standing up will be given a ball and will have to throw the ball to the ground, or across to the standing group. The object of the game is to keep the ball in the air as long as possible; the boys on the floor will have to use their feet, whereas the boys standing up only use their hands (they cannot grab the ball). Switch the group positions after several attempts.

    Pac Man

    • This game should ideally be played in a gym, or any area with painted lines, and is ideal for small groups (five or seven boys). One group of boys will be elected as ghosts and the others will be Pac Men. The ghosts must chase the other boys around, but both groups must stay on the lines. When a ghost tags a boy from the Pac Man group, the Pac Man must sit down and will act as a block for others in their group. The game finishes once all the ghosts have caught the other team and the groups switch positions.

    Park Ranger

    • Choose one boy to be the Park Ranger and place him in the middle of a field. The other boys will stand at one end of the field and choose an animal, which they must not tell the Park Ranger. The Park Ranger will then shout a characteristic, such as "If you have a beak..." and the boys who have chosen an animal with those characteristics must run across the field to the other side. The Park Ranger will try to tag the other boys as they run past. If someone is tagged, they become a Park Ranger too and continue to shout out animal characteristics. Even if some boys make it to the other side of the field, they are required to run back if their characteristic is shouted out again. The last boy remaining who is not a Park Ranger wins. © HT Games