Make Your Own Photo Memory Game
Select 15 photos to use for the game. A standard 4-by-6-inch size works well. Make sure all photos are either vertical or horizontal; don't mix both. You'll also need 30 4-by-6 index cards and glue.
Make one copy of each of the photos and glue a photo to each index card. If desired, glue a 4-by-6-inch piece of decorative paper on the back of each index card for an added personal touch.
Picture and Word Memory Games
The game can be altered to require matching of pictures and words. Instead of having two identical pictures, each pair of cards consists of one picture and one corresponding word or phrase. This can be as simple as matching a picture of a dog with the word "Dog." A more advanced pair could be a picture of Pearl Harbor paired with the words "December 7, 1941." Words and pairs that having personal meanings, such as family members and birthdays, can also be used.
Related Picture Memory Games
Instead of having two identical pictures, the pair could be defined as two related pictures. Toddlers could play a game matching animals with their babies, such as a dog with a puppy or a cat with a kitten. A personalized family game could be made using pictures of married couples or brothers and sisters. Teachers could use a game that included pictures of a country and its chief export or capital city.
Photo Memory Game Apps
Technology can help you create a customized photo memory game with hard copy photos, glue or cards. The "Match a Photo" app for the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad comes with 200 stock photos you can use to design your own memory game, but you can also use any other photos you have on your phone. Games can be customized to display fewer photos to make the game simple for young children, or more pictures to challenge older brains.