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Great Youth Games

Whether you are planning a picnic, party or church event for a youth group, have several games planned to keep the children busy and prevent boredom. Games are a great way to bring a group of children together and keep them entertained while teaching them social skills. Youth games can also serve to introduce children new to the area, giving them a chance to make friends, laugh and have a great time.
  1. Icebreaker Beach Ball Toss

    • Inflate a beach ball for an icebreaker game to help the children get to know one another. Write questions, such as "What is your name," "Where are you from," "Who's your hero and why" and "How many brothers and/or sisters do you have," on the ball in permanent marker. Have the children sit in a circle and hand one player the ball. He must toss the ball to another player, who catches it and answers the questions under her right and left thumbs. After answering, she tosses the ball to another player. Have the kids toss the ball around the circle until each player has gone at least twice.

    Birthday Bash

    • Arrange chairs in a circle -- one less than the number of players -- and select one player to be "it." The "it" player must start the game in the middle of the circle with all other players seated. She yells a birthday month and anyone born during that month must change chairs. If she says, "Birthday Bash," all players must switch chairs. When they do, she'll also try to sit in one of the chairs. The player left without a seat is designated "it" for the next round.

    Back Artists

    • Divide players into two groups and have them stand in two single-file lines. Have each player face the back of the player in front of her. Show the last player in each line the same picture, such as a simple house with a sun above it or a smiley face. That player must draw the picture on the next player's back using her fingers. Each player must in turn draw what he or she felt on the next player's back. Players are only allowed one chance to draw the picture, so invite them to take their time. The last player must draw the picture on a sheet of paper. The team that comes closest to the original picture wins the game.

    Chair Basketball

    • Place a tall laundry basket in the middle of the floor and place two chairs on opposite sides of the basket, about five feet away. Divide the players into two teams and have one player from each team sit in a chair. The host may adjust the chairs' distance from the basket according to each player's age and size. Give each player a small foam or plastic basketball -- about six inches in diameter. When the host calls, "Shoot," the players must try to toss the basketball in the laundry basket. The first player to make a basket earns a point for his team. Players can take one shot each or the host can have them shoot for the basket at the same time to make it more challenging. Play should continue until each team member has a turn. The team with the most points once play is complete wins the game. © HT Games