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Fun Games for a Small Group

Whether you are planning a get-together, party or gathering for a small group of people, have several fun games planned that you can adjust to fit all ages. From a game of killer wink to a game of telephone charades, players will improve social skills and build bonds with each other. The games also allow any unfamiliar faces a chance to meet and make new friends.
  1. Killer Wink

    • Fold several blank slips of paper and place them in a bowl. On one of the pieces, draw an "X." Place the bowl around each player and have them take one. The player who draws the "X" is the killer and cannot tell anyone. All the players must walk around the room looking at one another, but cannot talk. The killer must wink at players to "kill" them. If the killer winks at a player, he must wait five seconds and yell, "He got me," and fall to the ground. If a player thinks he knows who the killer is, he can guess. However, if he is wrong, he is out of the game. The first player to correctly identify the killer wins the game.


    • Divide the players into two groups and select a team captain for each team. Mark a playing area and cover the area with cones, balls and other small items. Place two chairs on one side of the playing area and have the captains sit in the chairs. All other players must line up on the other side of the playing field and put on blindfolds. The team captains must verbally guide each player on his team across the minefield without touching any objects. If a player touches an object, she must go back to the starting line. The first team to get all their players across the minefield wins the game.

    Dragon Tail

    • Have the players split into two groups. Tell the groups to stand in a single file line with their hands on the hips or shoulders of the player in front of her (except the first player in line). Place a scarf or bandanna in the back pocket of each player at the back of the line. The object of the game is to be the first team to grab the opponent's "dragon tail." If a team breaks apart, it must stop and cannot move until all players connect back together. The first team to take the other team's "dragon tail" wins the game.

    Telephone Charades

    • Write down several actions, such as ordering and paying for food at a fast food drive-through restaurant, doing the chicken dance, going fishing and hitting a golf ball. Change the difficulty of the charades depending on the age of the players. Divide the players into two teams and have them line up in a single file line. Hand each person in the back of the line a charade. When you say, "Go," they must tap on the shoulder of the player in front of them and act out the charade. Once that player knows what it is, he can tap on the shoulder of the player in front of him to show him. The players cannot talk at all. The first team to get the charade all the way down their team line and correctly guess what it is wins the game. © HT Games