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Christian Youth Group Games

Games for Christian youth groups are an enjoyable way for kids to learn important life lessons. Youth group games should always include as many members as possible, to promote positive social interaction among kids in the group. These games don't always have to impart specific Scripture or lessons about Jesus Christ, but they can teach some important Christian values such as sportsmanship, teamwork, equality, and trust.
  1. Blindfolded Puzzle Hunt

    • Split kids into two or more groups of at least five people, and have each group dedicate one person to be the instruction giver. The rest of the kids should be blindfolded. Create puzzle pieces, one foot long or larger, out of cardboard, and place them in an open field. The instruction giver should yell out instructions to her blindfolded teammates, telling them where to find the puzzle pieces. Once all the pieces have been found, the kids take off their blindfolds and must work together to put the puzzle together before their opposition does. This will teach the youths to be able to trust, to follow instructions, and to work with others.

    Friend Bingo

    • Friend Bingo is a game that teaches the importance of social interaction and learning about one another. This is a good activity for getting kids to interact with, and learn about, children with whom they normally wouldn't be friends. Before the game, have each kid give you one random fact about himself. Use these facts to create bingo cards for the kids, only instead of numbers you use the facts.

      Have the kids go around to one another and talk with them to try to figure out who is connected with which fact on the cards. Kids shouldn't be allowed to directly ask whether another player is on the card, but they should have a conversation to figure the information out. Once a kid has discovered what fact belongs to whom, they mark off the spot on the card. The first youth with four correct squares in a row wins.

    Hula Hoop Game

    • In an open room or a large area outside, create a start and finish line that expands as long as you can allow it to. Divide kids into teams of six to eight, and give each a Hula Hoop. Each team must be able to fit all of its members into the Hula Hoop and then walk, together, across the room or field to the finish line. The first team to complete this task wins. This game fosters ideas of teamwork, and it helps them to value others' needs before their own.

    Human Knot

    • The human knot is a game all about teamwork. It's a popular staple with many youth groups. Have kids stand in a circle and grab the hands of two people across from them. The kids have then formed themselves into a knot. Players must untangle themselves, and get back into a circle formation, without releasing hands with anyone. You can have teams compete against one another. © HT Games