Assassin is a strategy game convenient for larger groups. Participants take on different roles in the game, playing either as an assassin, a medic, a policeman, or a town person (there are usually 2-3 assassins, one medic, one policeman, and the rest are towns people). Everyone closes their eyes, and a moderator asks the assassins to open their eyes and choose a person to "kill." They then close their eyes, and the medic opens his/her eyes and chooses a person to "save." The medic closes his/her eyes and the policeman opens his eyes and chooses someone to "accuse." The moderator reveals the person was "killed," and the game continues until either the two assassins have "killed" the town people, or if the assassins have been found.
Guess The Person
Guess The Person is a thinking game that can be used to test Biblical knowledge. The group is split into small teams, and names of people (either people from the Bible or people everyone in the group knows) are put into a hat. A team member pulls out a name from the hat and describes that person to the other members, and these members must guess the most names they can in one minute. When their turns come, all other teams go through the same process. Then the teams do the same thing again, but this time only one word can be used to describe the person in question. In the final stage of the game, the designated member must describe using actions only and with no talking. The team with the most points at the end wins.
Would You Rather?
Would You Rather? is a simple game where the youth leader asks a series of questions (Would you rather find true love or receive $1 million? Would you rather spend a day without Internet or without TV?) and the youth are separated depending on their answers (sit down or stand up, go to the left or right side of the room). This game can lead to interesting conversation and debate among the youth and where they stand on such issues.
Life-Size Battleship
Life-Size Battleship is a game requiring some physical activity. The group is split into two teams, and the teams go to different sides of the room. Each team chooses a thrower, while the rest of the team members lie down on the floor anywhere on their side of the room. The people lying down are "life-size battleships," and the objective of the game is for the throwers to sink all the enemy battleships by hitting them with a ball. The first team to sink all enemy battleships wins.