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Christian Child Games

Helping children learn the word of the Bible can be tough when all they want to do is play. But the two don't have to be separate; children can play games while learning about Christian beliefs. Have kids learn about sins by tossing crumpled paper around the room, or help them remember Bible verses by turning them into a maze.
  1. Bible Verse Maze

    • This is a good game for Sunday school. Write a verse from the Bible on the board, but have a lot of words missing. Draw a square maze underneath. Read out the verse and stop at each missing word. Whoever provides the missing word gets to decide which direction to take in the maze. When the maze is finished, read out the complete verse.

    Apostle Game

    • Sit the children in a circle and give one a toy sword. That child must say the name of one of the 12 apostles, then say a number from 10 to 20. The sword moves around the circle with the children counting each time it passes hands, until the specified number is reached. The child with the sword says the name of an apostle and another number. The game continues until all of the apostles are named. Repetition of apostles' names is banned expect for James, who can be named twice.

    The Price of Heaven

    • Gather a lot of household items, such as an empty soda bottle, a hairbrush--anything you like. Put cards in front of each object, with the correct price written on each card. On the other side of each card, write an estimated price that is fictitious but relatively realistic for the product. Children will guess higher or lower than the estimated price, prompting you to turn the card around and reveal the real answer.

      The last object will be a piece of paper with "heaven" written on it, and an estimated price of $10,000. After the children have guessed, reveal the real price to be zero. Explain that you do not need money to get into heaven.

    Getting Rid of Sins

    • Explain to the children that Christians are not sin-free, as some sins can be tempting, such as envy or disobedience. But it's important to constantly try to rid these sins from our lives. Crumple up pieces of paper, and place an even amount of these of at each end of the room. These represent sins. Split the children into two teams, and have them spend 30 seconds throwing paper into the other team's half of the room. The team with the fewest sins on its side after 30 seconds is the winner. © HT Games