Crossword Puzzles
Crossword puzzles allow teachers to introduce a variety of new vocabulary words. As the students complete the crossword puzzle, they are reading the English clues to help them find the specific word. Crossword puzzles put each of the words in context so students can learn how they are spelled and how to use them in context. Other word games can help introduce vocabulary words such as word searches or even games like hangman.
Matching Games
Matching games are another way of introducing different words and phrases in English. You will have to purchase a set of specifically designed cards or make your own cards. One half of the card deck should have English words and phrases and the other half of the deck should have matching pictures or phrases in the student's native language. Place the cards face down, and have the students find a pair of matching cards. This will help the student to learn sentences and learn the meanings of new words and phrases. As the students find matches, have them practice saying the new words or phrases aloud.
Who Am I?
Who Am I is a fun game for both intermediate and entry level English students. In this game, each student is given a character and the name of that character is written on a piece of paper and taped to the student's back. The students must then go around the room, talking to their classmates. They must ask simple yes or no questions to find out as much about their characters as they can. After the allotted time, students must guess who their character is. To play this game, students must use their conversational skills and will practice their English speaking abilities.
Although charades is a game that involves mostly hand gestures, it can still be a good game for anyone learning how to speak English. The person who is acting out the card must be able to read and understand what they are about to act out. Those guessing must use their English vocabulary abilities to come up with the right words to describe what the other player is acting out. Charades can be a good way to teach students about common phrases and sayings in the English language.