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Fun Games to Play With Toddlers

For a toddler, life is about playing. Playing fun games with your toddler is important, but the games should also encourage your toddler to learn. Games can be tailored to the age of your toddler and her abilities. You'll probably have to show your toddler several times how to play these games before she will do it herself.
  1. Gift Bag Treasures

    • The "Gift Bag Treasures" game encourages toddlers' curiosity and can also help them learn shapes, colors and names for items. To play this game you need a few gift bags or paper bags, and some objects to place in them. The objects could be letter blocks, shapes or toys.

      Open the bags and have your toddler look in them to see that they are empty. Then place an object in one of the bags, and mix them up or spread them out. Let your toddler look in the bags to find the object, and reward him with clapping and cheers when he finds it. Then talk about the name of the object or its color and shape.

    Toddler Yahtzee

    • Most toddlers enjoy putting items in containers and then dumping them out. "Toddler Yahtzee" uses this delight to teach counting, colors and shapes. The game requires a container of some type, such as a clean cottage cheese container, plus blocks, shapes, numbers or other toys.

      Allow your child to place the toys in the container, and then have her shake the container and then dump it out. Gather up the toys, counting them as you place them in a row. Then talk about the color or shape of the toys. To teach letters, use alphabet blocks and identify the letter that your toddler rolled.

    Who's Hiding Here?

    • "Who's Hiding Here?" is a variation of peek-a-boo. It can teach toddlers that things do not disappear when you cannot see them, and it also teaches the names of body parts. Using a blanket, sheet or towel, cover yourself or your face and ask "Who's hiding here?" Let your toddler find you, and then hide him. While he is hiding, gently poke a part of his body and ask "Is this a leg?"

    Block Patterns

    • The "Block Patterns" game teaches your toddler to replicate shapes and solve problems. The only thing required is a set of blocks. Place a few of the blocks in a pattern, such as a square or a rectangle, and have your toddler use other blocks to make a matching pattern. Once she has done this, let her make a pattern for you to copy.

    Walking, Walking

    • The game "Walking, Walking" requires only an open area and is geared towards older toddlers. To the tune of "Frere Jacques," sing the following lyrics. Join your toddler in performing the actions as you sing them.

      "Walking, walking, walking, walking

      Hop, hop, hop! Hop, hop, hop!

      Running, running, running. Running, running, running.

      Now we stop. Now we stop." © HT Games