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Christian Bible Classroom Games

There are many types of Christian Bible games that can be played in a classroom. Some games are more difficult than others, but don't let that discourage you. Children, as well as teens and adults, can be adept at Bible trivia and scripture memorization and do very well even with the more challenging games.
  1. Bible Trivia Games

    • Bible trivia games can be played by people of all ages. In preparation, find trivia questions online at a website such as, or create your own. Write the questions on index cards, one question per card, and include the answers.

      How to play: Select a game host to ask questions and assign points for correct answers. Score is kept on a chalk board.

      Split the class into two teams. The host asks the first team a Bible trivia question. They have 2 minutes to respond. Correct answers earn 5 points and the right to continue on. Answer incorrectly and the question goes to the next team. Team to make it to 100 points first wins.

    Bible Jeopardy

    • As with the famed television show, "Jeopardy!," the answers to this game must be given in the form of a question. If the question were: "He was told to build an ark." The answer would be: "Who is Noah?"

      Select three contestants or three teams. The host holds the cards with the questions and answers on them. Six category headings are listed on a poster board or white board where everyone can see them. Possibilities might be New Testament characters, Old Testament characters, parables, Bible quotes, Bible geography, villains from the Bible.

      Assign a dollar amount from small to large for each category: $200 to $1,000.

      Tape questions in each spot with the dollar amount taped gently over it. When a player chooses a category and dollar amount, the dollar amount page is removed and the question is revealed. The host reads it aloud. The player has one minute to answer correctly.

      Winners are awarded the dollar amount for that question in the form of points. Whoever has the most "money" at the end wins.

    Bible Memory Match

    • Find 2 matching angel pictures, for example, for one point.

      Children love memory matching games. Preparation: Make a large game board on paper and attach it to a classroom wall. Draw a grid on it of 30 squares, six across and five down, with Bible pictures randomly pasted, one inside each square. Use 15 pictures, two copies of each. Cover each picture with paper, cut to size, numbered 1-30. Tape the papers at the top, covering the pictures, but unattached at the bottom and sides.

      How to play: The first team calls for two random numbers and the leader flips them up. If the pictures don't match, the pages go down and the second team gets a turn. The goal is to remember where two matching pictures are. When a team finds two of the same pictures, the papers concealing them are removed and the team earns a point.

      To enhance the learning experience, prepare trivia questions associated with each set of pictures. The team that matched them correctly can earn extra points by correctly answering the related trivia question.

      Scoring: One point for matching the pictures, and your team takes another turn. Answering the question right earns five points. If you get it wrong, you still can take another turn, but first your opponents may try to answer the question correctly for five points.

      After all of the pictures have been revealed, add up each of the team's points. The team with the most points wins.

    Who Am I?

    • Appoint a player to be the secret Bible character. Give him a card telling him who he is and where to find him in the Bible. The secret Bible character is allowed to briefly refer to his Bible before the turn begins. He can only answer questions with "yes," "no" or "maybe."

      Divide the class into three teams. The beginning team can ask the character questions about his identity, but they must guess correctly within two minutes or forfeit their turn. Answer correctly and win five points. Whoever reaches 50 points first wins. © HT Games