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Fun Supper Games

A good supper host will always have a few entertaining games ready to help break the ice with guests who don't know one other or to get the conversation flowing if it stalls. The key to successful supper games is to keep them simple, with as few props as possible, so neither host nor guests are forced to leave the table until after supper.
  1. Fact or Fiction

    • Help guests get to know one another with the "lie-detector" game. Each guest takes a turn stating three interesting "facts" about themselves, one of which should be a lie. The other guests then have five minutes to decide together which was the lie. If they group guesses wrong, the guest gets a token prize, such as chocolate. If the group guesses correctly, the guest has to reveal a secret or embarrassing fact about himself.

    Perfect Places and Favorite Films

    • Provoke conversations with "Favorite Places." Each guest has to think of his favorite city or country, and the others have to figure out where it is. Guests can either ask "yes" or "no" questions of the main player until the place has been guessed, or the main player must describe the place without using any place names when they do so. For example, Paris could not be described as "the capital of France." Adapt for movies by banning titles and the names of the lead characters/actors.

    Just a Minute

    • A version of this game has been being broadcast by Britain's BBC since 1951. All it requires is a timer or stop watch. Each guest must speak for one minute on an unprepared topic "without hesitation, repetition or deviation." If a guest breaches these rules, others can challenge, and the timer must be stopped. If the challenge is upheld the challenger gets a point and takes over the talking when the timer is restarted. The person speaking when the minute is up gets a point.

    After-supper Acting Up

    • Charades may seem passe, but classic games become classic because they work. Liven up an after-supper game by picking a theme beforehand such as classic movies, 1960s music, or famous artists--and provide fancy dress items that fit in with the theme. For true charades, these items should not be used as props, but having a costume can help guests get into the spirit and lose inhibitions. © HT Games