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How to Make a Set of Washers

The game of washers closely resembles traditional washers in that game pieces are pitched from a predesignated distance with the attempt of gaining points by coming within one piece's distance from a center goal. Instead of using a stake to ring the horseshoe, this game uses over-sized metal washers and a raised hole made from PVC piping. There are other versions of the game of washers called cornhole and washer baseball.

Things You'll Need

  • 8 foot 2x4 boards (2)
  • 3/4" sheet of plywood (1)
  • Tape measure
  • Marking pencil
  • Safety glasses
  • Saw
  • 7" piece of PVC piping--4" in diameter (1)
  • 1 box of 2 1/2" wood screws
  • Glue
  • 4 mm thick sheet of metal (1)
  • Hollow Punch Toolkit
  • Rubber Mallet
  • Paint (2 different colors)
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    • 1

      Measure and mark two 17-inch by 17-inch squares of plywood, carefully cut using a saw and set aside. Be sure to wear safety glasses and use safe handling procedures when working with construction equipment.

    • 2

      Measure, mark and saw the 2x4 boards into four 17-inch long sections and four 14-inch long sections. Remember to double check measurements prior to making the cuts.

    • 3

      Place two 17-inch 2x4 pieces parallel to one another on their edges (the 2-inch side) and two 14-inch 2x4 pieces to form a square on a flat work surface. Adhere the four pieces together by screwing two 2 1/2-inch wood screws through each end of the 17-inch pieces adhering them to the 14-inch pieces. Repeat to make a 2x4 wood square for the second washer box.

    • 4

      Place the 17-inch by 17-inch piece of plywood over one of the 2x4 wood squares and screw three 2 1/2-inch wood screws on each side of the square through the plywood into the 2x4 pieces. Repeat for the second washer box.

    • 5

      Measure, mark and saw the 7-inch PVC pipe into two 3 1/2-inch pieces. Turn the washer boxes over so the plywood is now the flooring of the boxes and glue the PVC to the center of box. Use four additional wood screws through the bottom of the box into the PVC pipe for added durability.

    • 6

      Use a rubber mallet and a 50 mm hollow punch from a hollow punch toolkit made for punching metals which is sold in home improvement stores to punch six 2-inch metal washers from a 4 mm thick sheet of metal. Be sure to read the toolkit package instructions fully, and use safety glasses when punching washers. If you prefer to use 2 1/2-inch washers promoting a more challenging game of washers, purchase them at your local home improvement store.

    • 7

      Paint one side of three washers in one color and three washers in another color. Set aside to dry completely before painting the other side in the color that matches the first side. © HT Games