This action-oriented game common to most casinos offers many wagers, most of which have a prohibitive house edge. The best bets in this game include pass line bets with odds wagers. A initial roll of seven of 11 is a winner for pass line bettors, while two, three or 12 is called "craps" and causes pass line bettors to lose. Any other number rolled on this first roll, called the come-out roll, becomes the point number. The goal, then, is to roll that number again before rolling a seven.
This dice game requires players to make the best poker hands to earn higher scores. Yahtzee uses a tumbler and five dice, and each player can roll any number of dice up to three times on her turn to make the best hand. Consecutive numbers on the dice earn small straights (for four in a row) and large straights (for five in a row), while a five of a kind is known as a Yahtzee. Players can choose where on their scorecards to mark their rolls, adding an element of strategy to the game.
This game is usually played at tables with four players on each, competing in teams of two. Large groups often gather for Bunco parties, with players switching tables after each round. The object is to use three dice to roll a predetermined number during each round. Players earn one point for each die that hits the right number and 21 points if all three dice roll that number. Five-point bonuses are also earned for rolling three of any other number. Players compete over several rounds, and then scores are tabulated.
Liar's Dice
Each player uses a tumbler to roll and conceal five dice, then players bid in turn, declaring how many of a certain number die they believe is remaining in the game (such as "two fours"). Each successive bid must either increase the bid or use a different number die (such as "two fives" or "three fours" in the previous example). You can call a bluff, after which players reveal their dice and the numbers are counted. If the bid is true, you lose a die. If the previous bid was a bluff, the bluffer loses a die. Play continues until only player has any dice remaining.