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Good Youth Group Activities

Youth groups can be religious in nature or just a group of young people with a common interest. Either way, members of these groups can participate in activities which will help them communicate and interact with each other. From a game of find your emotion to an inflatable ball toss, use your imagination to create activities that will keep the teens ready for more.
  1. Find Your Emotion

    • Draw or print several faces showing emotion on index cards and laminate the cards. You will need two of every emotion, such as a sad face, happy face, mad face or lost face. Shuffle the cards up and put them face down on a table. Each person draws one card from the table and begins to act out the emotion. The object of the activity is for each player to find his matching emotion. Players cannot talk to one another while they are trying to figure out who has their matching emotion.

    Blindfolded Partners

    • Play blindfolded partners to help the children build trust. Divide the children into two teams. Everyone must select a partner and each team needs a blindfold. Play the game in a field with small trees and branches or in a gym with items such as balls, mats, chairs and cones on the floor. The object of this activity is for each player to guide his blindfolded partner through the course without running into items. The teammates cannot touch one another for guidance and can only use verbal communication. If you want to make this activity into a game, have all the teams start at the same time and the first team to make it through the course without touching any items wins the game.

    Building Bridges

    • Divide the players up into groups of four or five players and give each team wood craft sticks (Popsicle sticks), glue, string, paper clips and tape. Each team should have the exact same items and amount of items to make the game fair. Give each team a shoebox with a bowl of water in it. The teams have 30 minutes to build a bridge over the bowl of water using only the materials they have. After the 30 minutes, place small weights on the bridges to see which team's bridge can hold the most weight before collapsing.

    Ball Toss

    • Purchase an inflatable beach ball and write several questions all over the ball in black permanent marker. For example, "What is your favorite sport," "Do you have any brothers or sisters," "What is one of your biggest fears" and "Who is your hero and why?" Have the players sit in a circle and toss the ball to each other. When a player catches the ball she must answers both questions that are underneath her thumbs. © HT Games