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Activities With Straws

Several different activities are possible with a box of straws. From craft activities to playing games, a box of straws can go along way. Straws can be a quick, inexpensive way to keep children busy and entertained. Keep a couple of boxes of these drinking tools around for a planned or last-minute activity.
  1. Straw Pick-up

    • You will need at least two players for this activity. Take a box of straws and dump them in a pile in the middle of the players. One at a time a player will try to pick up a straw without moving another straw. If he succeeds, he gets to go again. If he moves another straw, he must drop the straw and it is the next player's turn. The game is over when all straws are gone. The person with the most straws at the end of the game wins.

    Straw Relay Race

    • Give each player a bowl of uncooked corn or uncooked beans, an empty bowl and a straw. Mark two lines about 6 feet apart. Players will stand with their bowl of corn or beans and straw on one line. Put their empty bowl at the other line. When you say "Go," each player will have to use her straw to suck a piece of corn to the end of the straw and carry it to the empty bowl. Give the teams five minutes to get as many pieces of corn as they can in their empty bowls. The player with the most pieces of corn in her bowl when time is up wins the game.

    Straw Flower Necklace

    • Cut several straws into about 1 1/2-inch pieces. Cut flower shapes out of construction paper. Poke a small hole in the middle of the flower pieces. Cut a piece of yarn to about 2 feet long and tie a large knot on one end. Put a flower piece on first then rotate straw, flower, straw and flower until the yarn is full. Tie another knot in the yarn to create the necklace. If you have time, allow participants to decorate the flowers with paint and glitter before putting them on the necklace.

    Cotton Ball Race

    • Give each participant a cotton ball and a straw. Mark a starting line and finish line about 20 feet apart. All players will line up at the starting line with their cotton ball and straw. When you yell "Go," the players will put the cotton balls on the ground and use the straw to blow them to the finish line. Players cannot use their hands. The first player to get their cotton ball across the finish line wins the game. © HT Games