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Classic Solid Wood Games

Classic solid wood games like Mancala, Jenga and Cribbage are always a big hit with friends and family members. Wood games are durable and beautifully crafted. Most classic solid wood games have the look and feel of being handcrafted. The warmth of wood tones and fine grain makes them appear as pleasing as they are fun to play.
  1. Mancala

    • Mancala is a classic African game played with small pebbles and a solid wood board and two rows of six shallow depressions hold the colorful pebbles. The game is similar to dominoes, with two long, narrow depressions at each end that hold the pebbles "won" by each player. The long narrow depressions are the "mancala," and players begin by placing four pebbles in each of the shallow depressions. The first player may pick up all the stones from any shallow depression. She then drops one pebble in each depression around the board in a counterclockwise direction. As the player passes over her mancala, she drops one pebble in that depression as a won game piece. The other player then picks up all the pebbles from a depression and plays as the first player did. The game continues until all the pebbles have been moved to the mancalas. The player with the most number of pebbles in her mancala wins the game.


    • Jenga is a simple classic wooden tower game for two or more players. The game begins by erecting a tower from 54 wooden bricks. Players place the bricks at right angles to each other in layers of three bricks per row. Players should take turns removing one brick from the tower. The players can remove any brick from the tower below the top layer of bricks. The player then places the removed brick on top of the tower. The players must complete one story before starting another. The object of the game is to move bricks from the tower to the top without making the tower fall over, and the last player to move a piece without causing the tower to topple wins the game.


    • Cribbage is a classic card game that you play with a wooden board. The traditional cribbage board has two tracks of holes drilled on one side. The object of the game is to add the value of a player's cards in a running total to reach a certain score. Players deal the cards and then take turns playing a card. Players add the value of the card to the total and track that player's score total on the wooden board with pegs. Players can choose from many variations to the basic game of cribbage, and some variations have complex rules for adding and playing sequences of cards. Cribbage is a strategic card game for two or more players. © HT Games