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How to Play the Snooker Game

The game of snooker dates to the 15th century when it was first introduced as a three-ball game of billiards. During the 19th century a more modern version was formulated to become the snooker recognized today. Playing the game of snooker requires skill with the cue, much like in pool and skill with positioning the cue ball for the best chance of clearing the table.

Things You'll Need

  • snooker table
  • balls
  • cue
  • chalk
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    • 1

      Set the table by placing the 15 reds into the triangle. Colored balls have a designated spot on the table. The yellow ball is placed on the top edge of the "D" where it meets the bulk line. The brown ball sits on a spot in the center of the "D" line, again on the bulk line and the green ball is placed on the bottom of the "D." The blue ball spot is the center of the table directly between the two center pockets. The pink ball spot is on the apex of the pyramid where the triangle is placed with the red balls. The black spot is exactly halfway between the wide edge of the red balls and the bottom cushion.

    • 2

      Remove the triangle before play. Familiarize yourself with the points system. Red balls score one point. The yellow ball scores two points, the green three, the brown four, the blue five, the pink six and the black seven. When beginning a new turn you must pot a red ball before attempting to pot a color. Failing to do so incurs a penalty of four points unless the colored ball is a blue, pink or black, in which case the penalty is five, six and seven.

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      Chalk the cue tip. Set the cue ball anywhere in the "D." Your objective at this point is to "break off" and hit the reds open but not disperse them, as with pool. Aim for the outer red ball on either side and make a bridge with your hand. Rest the cue on the bridge and hit the ball toward the reds with good pace. Your aim is tactically to get the white ball back to the bulk area to prevent your opponent gaining an advantage.

    • 4

      Allow the cue ball to come to a halt. It is now your opponents shot. If your opponent misses a ball and hits nothing, he incurs a four-point penalty (as do you, if you miss). Your objective is to clear the table of all balls. You must pot a red, then a color, then a red and so on. Colors are then re-spotted on their proper spot. If the spot is not available it is placed on the next highest available spot. If there is no other spot available, the ball is then placed as close to its own spot as possible, without touching another ball. If you take a turn and the cue ball comes to rest touching another ball, you must play away from that ball.

    • 5

      Clear all the reds from the table and clear the table by potting all the colors in point order: yellow, green, brown, blue, pink and black. © HT Games