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Christian Games for a Small Group of Preteens

Preteens are at a special age when they begin to discover themselves. There is no better way to develop Christian preteens than with a small group of supportive peers. Games help children to relax, enjoy themselves and learn lessons about God and life.
  1. Lifeboat Game

    • Tell the youth that in this hypothetical scenario there are 10 people in a sinking lifeboat. Choose a variety of people like a pregnant woman, the president, a 10-year-old child, a person on the verge of curing AIDS, a comedian, a doctor, a sailor, and a reformed criminal. One of the 10 people in the boat is "yourself." The boat is sinking quickly and only five people can remain on the boat. Youth are given time to write down which five people they choose to save from the sinking boat. Open the results for discussion, reminding the preteens that no answer is wrong. Ask why they made those choices. This activity helps to begin a discussion on the value of life. Talk about what the Bible says about life and about how we are all important in God's eyes.

    Rich Young Ruler

    • This game is ideal to play with a small group of youth who know the Bible story of the rich young ruler. In the story, Jesus tells the rich ruler to give away everything he owns to the poor. Use fake money from a craft store or Monopoly game. Divide the money and give each youth anywhere from $15 to $200. However, do not let the other preteens know how much money their peers were given. Develop three scenarios involving a person in need. For example, a church needs $1,000 to pay the mortgage, or an orphan child in a foreign country needs a home, food and water. Tell the youth that the money they were given is their monthly income. Ask them how much of that income they would give to help the person in each scenario. Hold a discussion on who was willing to give the majority of their income to help a person in need. Ask the youth what reasons held them back from giving more. Talk about the importance of giving, using Biblical references.

    One Way Game

    • This game for preteens exemplifies how there is only one straight and narrow path to heaven. The Bible lesson teaches that Jesus wants them to walk on the narrow path leading to God. Mark a straight path on the ground with masking tape. Make the space about five inches wide to demonstrate how narrow the path is. Divide the group into two teams and give each a ping-pong ball and a straw. The players on each team must blow air into the straw and keep the ball in the narrow path to the end of the marked area. If the ball rolls out of the path, the team must start over from the beginning. Discuss how life can be difficult as a Christian, walking the straight path and making unpopular choices. Give youth a chance to talk about times they did the right thing and felt excluded from friends. © HT Games