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Children's Tag Games

Children&'s tag games provide fun, exercise and excitement for participants. They also teach children how to listen and follow directions. Create your own spin on a traditional tag game or try out a new one for variety. Tag games can be played anywhere you have space, even a swimming pool, as in the case of the well-known game Marco Polo.
  1. Blob Tag

    • Begin the game with two players standing side-by-side with their arms interlocked as the blob. The blob tags other players. Once a player is tagged, she must join the blob by interlocking arms with one of the people. Only the players on the ends of the blob may tag people. Those who are not part of the blob may run through the middle of the blob to escape the being tagged by those on the ends. If the blob breaks apart, it must join back together. The game ends when everyone is part of the blob.

    Position Tag

    • One player is chosen to be "it." He must chase the other players and tag one. The player who is tagged must place her hand on the spot where she was tagged. For instance, if she was tagged on the shoulder, she must reach up and place her hand on her shoulder. The tagged player must keep her hand in that position until she tags someone else then that player must place his hand on the spot he was tagged.

    Snake Tag

    • Divide the players into equal groups of three or four, if possible. Have players hold onto to the waist of the player in front of them to form a snake. Each snake must have at least three people to create a head, body and tail. Designate one person to be "it." That person has to tag the "tail" of a snake. Once he does, he connects to that snake and the head breaks off and becomes "it." Players who are parts of the snakes should twist, turn and run to keep from being caught by "it".

    Mice in the Corner

    • Divide players into four groups with one player designated as the cat. Each group should stand in a corner of the room with the cat in the middle. When the cat states "Mice in the corner," all of the mice run across the room to a different corner. The cat tries to tag as many mice as possible. If a mouse is tagged by the cat, it&'s out. © HT Games