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Group Vocabulary Games

When people think about having fun, improving vocabulary is usually one of the last things that comes to mind. When you play these incredibly fun games with a group of friends, however, fun is exactly what you create. If you are concerned word games might be boring, these classic games may change your mind.
  1. Scrabble

    • The father of all vocabulary games, Scrabble has endured for generations. By laying down letters on a board, players attempt to create the most complex words possible. This may sound simple, but it takes a lifetime to master. Players are scored based on the points shown on the letter tiles. Not many games have an entire dictionary devoted to them. The fact that Scrabble does should give you some idea how competitive some players are, not to mention how technical the game can become. If you need to improve your vocabulary or just want to show off the one you already have, Scrabble should be at the top of your word game list.

    Apples to Apples

    • Another popular game, Apples to Apples is the most fun you can have with two decks of cards. One player acts as a judge, picks a green apple card from the top of the stack of cards, reading it aloud and placing it face up on the table. Next, all players except the judge choose a red apple card from their hand that best describes the word. The judge then mixes the red cards, reading each aloud and picking the best, afterward awarding the green card to the player whose description was chosen. Once a player has a specified number of green cards, they are declared the winner. While the game is simple to play, the results are often hilarious.


    • Another famous group vocabulary game, Boggle pits players against one another as they attempt to find as many words in a 4x4 grid as possible within three minutes. Players are encouraged to find the most obscure words they can, as finding unique words helps you score more points. People have been known to play Boggle for hours; once you begin, you may not notice where the time goes. © HT Games