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Blind Man Games

Children&'s games will never go out of style. The same games you played as a child are still as exciting for kids today. Childhood memories are made of night games at the corner, kick the can or spin the bottle with neighborhood friends. Introduce your kids to "blind man" games the next time you&'re playing with your kids.
  1. Blind Man&'s Simon Says

    • Blind Man&'s Simon Says can be a fun learning tool. Tell everyone to stand up and close their eyes. Explain to them that they are only to follow the directions that start with "Simon says;" if they complete the action without hearing "Simon says," they are out. Once the room is quiet, walk around the room and whisper your directions, such as "touch your ears" or "Simon says touch your knees." Keeping your voice low will encourage them to really listen for your instructions.

    Marco Polo

    • The Marco Polo game will make everyone laugh. There are also variations on the game rules which give you a lot of freedom. You can play this blind man game in your backyard or in a swimming pool, but is generally played in the pool. Once a person is chosen as "it," have him stand at one end of the yard or pool, close his eyes and count to 10. During that 10 seconds, everyone runs or swims away. Players in a pool must keep at least part of their body in the water. When the person who is "it" yells "Marco!" everyone must yell back "Polo!" The person who is "it" must then find and tag someone, then that person becomes "it" or "Marco." You can also change the rules a little to allow people out of the pool, but if "Marco" calls out "fish out of water!" the person out of the pool is then "it."

    Blind Man&'s Bluff

    • Blind Man&'s Bluff is very similar to Marco Polo. However, Blind Man&'s Bluff generally takes place in the yard. Clear the yard of all toys and monitor the children so no one is injured. Place a blindfold on the person who is chosen as "it." She must then spin around five times while everyone runs around; as soon as she completes her fifth turn she will yell "Stop" and all players must freeze in place. The person who is "it" will then yell out "Blind Man&'s" and the players shout "Bluff" which helps the "Blind Man" find the other players. Players are not allowed to move around, but they can disguise their voices to try to throw the "it" player off track. © HT Games