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How to Make a Blongo Ball Game

Blongo Ball is a backyard game played by tossing two balls attached by a rope onto a rack of three rungs. Each rung has a different points value assigned, the winning team is the first one to earn a certain amount of points, similar to a game of horseshoes or bocce. You can create your own Blongo Ball game by making two Blongo Ball racks and six sets of balls.

Things You'll Need

  • PVC pipe 3/4 inch
  • Tape measure
  • Pencil
  • PVC pipe cutter or hacksaw
  • 6 PVC T-connectors
  • 2 PVC elbow-connectors
  • 12 golf balls
  • Vise
  • Electric drill
  • 3/16-inch drill bit
  • 6 shoe laces
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  1. Blongo Ball Rack

    • 1

      Measure 17 inches down the length of a 3/4-inch PVC pipe with a tape measure. Mark the measurement with a pencil. Cut the pipe at the mark using PVC pipe cutters or a hacksaw. Repeat until you have four 17-inch pieces of pipe.

    • 2

      Measure and cut six pieces of PVC pipe, each measuring 15 inches in length.

    • 3

      Measure and cut three pieces of PVC pipe, each measuring 20 inches in length.

    • 4

      Connect two pieces of 17-inch pipe on opposite ends of a PVC T-connector. Connect a 15 inch PVC piece onto the third hole of the T-connector. Place another T-connector at the top of the 15-inch pipe so one opening faces up and one faces perpendicular to the bottom piping. Repeat once.

    • 5

      Form the base of the Blongo Ball rack by connecting the two pieces together with a 20-inch PVC piece. Insert the piece between the horizontal T-connector openings.

    • 6

      Insert a 15-inch PVC pipe in the top hole of the T-connector on each side of the rack. Place a T-connector at the top of each pipe, with one end facing up and one facing towards the center of the rack. Connect a 20-inch piece between the two sides to create the second rung of the rack.

    • 7

      Place a 15-inch PVC pipe onto each open space of the T-connector. Add a PVC elbow connector onto the top of each piece facing towards the center of the rack.

    • 8

      Insert each end of a 20-inch PVC pipe into the opening of the two elbow connectors to complete the Blongo Ball rack.

    • 9

      Repeat Steps 1-8 to create a second Blongo Ball rack

    Blongo Balls

    • 10

      Place a colored golf ball into a vise and tighten the vise to secure the ball in place.

    • 11

      Drill a hole straight through the center of the golf ball with a 3/16-inch drill bit and an electric screwdriver. Repeat with another golf ball.

    • 12

      Tie a knot at one the end of a shoelace. String a golf ball onto the shoelace and slide the ball until it hits the knot. Tie an additional knot right after the golf ball to hold it in place.

    • 13

      Add the other golf ball onto the shoe lace on the other end. Tie a knot before and after the ball to secure it in place.

    • 14

      Repeat until you have six sets of paired golf ball, three for each team. © HT Games