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Ice Breaker Activities for a Youth Rally

Make it easy for young people to meet other youths and simple for kids to get to know each other by offering up group games and activities that stimulate raucous play. Break large units up into medium or small size groups after initial large group game play to ensure even the shyest of individuals receives ample time and encouragement to practice social skills, make friends and comfortably establish open communication.
  1. $1,000 Bill Exchange

    • $1,000 Bill Exchange is a fun game suitable for small or large groups of players. Intended for ages eight years and up, prior to the start of this game someone will need to make fake dollar bills. Create an image on the computer, print and copy or use construction paper, markers and scissors and create from scratch. Numeral denominations are open but each participant must receive ten bills totaling the same amount. To play, instruct kids to pair up and tell them that the goal of this game is to move around to various partners and challenge one another to contests for money. Rock, paper, scissors, thumb wrestling and flipping a coin for heads or tails are all applicable games. The first player to earn one thousand dollars wins.

    Celebrity Bingo

    • Suggested for ages twelve years and up and intended for large groups of people--20 and up--Celebrity Bingo forces young people to meet and mingle. Prior to game play, make homemade Bingo-style cards on the computer or by hand. Each participant receives one card. Half of the cards hold questions about popular actors, actresses, musicians, writers and other famous people. The second half of the cards holds the answers. Explain to all players that the goal of the game is to move around and find individuals with applicable answers or questions to their specific card. Have small circle or star stickers on hand for all players to cover each space after finding a match.

    Telephone Charades

    • Applicable for all ages, Telephone Charades keeps young minds active and gets youths physically moving. Recommended for small to medium size groups of five to ten people. If playing with a larger group, break participants up into units of five to ten before starting. Instruct kids to stand in a circle facing each other and spread out arm's length from one another with players to the left and right. Each group selects one person as the starting point. This first person comes up with an action and re-creates it for the person to her left who, in turn, re-creates it for the person to her left and so on, until every individual has gone one time. The last player attempts to guess what the original action meant. Choose to announce each action as an object, animal or person prior to the start of each round. © HT Games