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Ice Breaker Games for the Ministry

When children or adults gather for Christian ministry events, leaders usually begin by engaging attendees in icebreaker games. Icebreaker games break down individuals&' reticence that stems from being in a new and unfamiliar situation, sometimes among unfamiliar people. Ministry leaders have devised many games that relax people, preparing them for the duration of the event. Ministers use icebreaker games to acquaint attendees with one another. With celebrity, getting to know you and match games to break the ice, ministers will have no problem getting people pumped up for dynamic events.
  1. Celebrity Articulate

    • Play a game with biblical characters to break the ice.

      Ministry event coordinators often divide guests into teams to create a sense of camaraderie and to punctuate the purpose of the event. The website, Youth Group Games provides the rules for a game called Celebrity Articulate. Requiring only paper, pens and a basket or other container, players on two teams list the names of 10 celebrities and Bible characters on separate pieces of paper. Played like the game, Password, players pick names randomly and try to get people on their teams to guess the celebrity name drawn.

    Alphabet Getting to Know You

    • Use the alphabet to get acquainted at a ministry mixer.

      Ministers want to get attendees involved as quickly as possible. The Source for Youth Ministry, a youth ministry website, recommends a game, Alphabet Getting to Know You. Guests circulate, asking questions about each other according to the alphabet. If, for example, a person broke his arm in college, that factoid along with his name would list as an entry for the letter "b." After a period of mingling and gathering information, guests gather to share the bits of information about each person they collected.

    3&'s Company

    • Get rich with Monopoly money while getting acquainted.

      Monopoly money and sociable mixing and matching make the Sunday School Network game, $1,000 Bill Exchange, an icebreaker game. Give guests 10 pieces of Monopoly money in equal amounts. Attendees try to win as much money as possible by challenging others to games of Rock, Paper, Scissors, thumb wrestling or coin toss. Guests must take challenges and play sudden death. Challengers must take heads in a coin toss. The person with the most money wins. © HT Games