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Baseball Dartboard Rules

Found everywhere from local bars to basements, darts is popular for its lack of space consumption and the multitude of games that one can play. While games like 301, 501 and Cricket are the mainstays of dart boards around the world, baseball can also be quite challenging and fun to play anytime you have two or more people together. The rules are fairly simple and easy to learn.
  1. The Batting Order

    • Start by creating a score card.

      You start with the number side of the dart board and establish the throw order, or batting order, by throwing for bullseye. Keep throwing until only one person is in the bullseye. This is your first batter and you can sequentially move down from there. Set up a score card that has the numbers one to nine running down the side with the players&' names running across the top. You can now start the game.

    9 Innings

    • Hit the inning number to score runs.

      Just like in the actual American game of baseball, the dart game has nine innings of play. The nine innings are denoted by the numbers that circle the dart board. The "1" for the first inning, the "2" for the second inning and so on. If you are in the first inning, you&'ll want to to land as many 1s as you can with your given amount of outs. The double and triple slots within that number count as two and three runs respectively.

    Three Outs

    • Three outs and you hand over the darts.

      Once again, just like the American game of baseball, in darts baseball you get three outs. An out would be considered any dart that doesn&'t fall within the specific number pie of the inning in which you are shooting for. As an example, say you are in the first inning. You would want to get all your darts to fall in to the 1 number pie. Any dart that falls outside the 1 number pie, or misses the board, would count as an out. Once you&'ve reached three outs, you would then tally the total number of runs, or times you hit the given inning number, and then hand the darts over to the competition.

    Adding It Up

    • Count Up Your Runs.

      Once you&'ve gone through your nine innings, you then add up the total amount of runs you&'ve scored. A very good dart player could easily score upwards of 30 runs during the course of the game. Beginners are sometimes lucky to get 10 points. One important note to keep in mind. You never multiply the numbers when you hit them. So, let&'s say you&'re in the second inning, shooting at 2s. Each 2 you hit is worth only one run. This continues all the way up through 9. The one with the most runs wins. © HT Games