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Tricycle Racing Games for Kids

Use a tricycle to play games of speed, endurance and coordination. Set up the games in an area that allows for multiple participants and plenty of maneuvering and riding space. Adjust the difficulty level of each game to fit the specific age group and skill level of the children participating in the games.
  1. Obstacle Course Race

    • Create an obstacle course for the children to ride the tricycles around. Items to use as obstacles may include small and large traffic cones, standing recycled aluminum drink cans, standing cardboard cutout figures made to look like people, empty shoes, a tunnel, separate areas with sand and water puddles on the ground (to ride through or around), old tires, a sitting baby doll, a stroller, a pile of cardboard boxes or a wooden block structure. Set the items up with plenty of maneuvering space around each item. Give points for each item the participants clear or cross successfully. Take away points for missed obstacles or items the riders run into or knock down. Time each rider’s obstacle course ride. Add or subtract earned points. Score for fastest ride and most accurate ride.

    Tricycle Polo

    • Collect enough long cardboard gift-wrap paper tubes for each player can have a polo stick. (The cardboard sticks are softer than a hard stick. They will not hurt or injure the players if the kids accidentally hit one another in the legs.) Cover the tubes with glue and fabric to make them sturdier and colorful. Use a balloon, bouncy lightweight playground style ball or an inflated beach ball to hit with the sticks. Set up a goal on either end of the cycling field area. Every ball hit into the goal is a point for the player or the team they are riding for if it is set up as a team game. Play with small groups of children and plenty of riding space to enable the kids to maneuver around the polo field with the ball and stick without running in to each other on the tricycles. Switch other children into the game to give everyone a chance to play tricycle polo.


    • Set up a trikeathon on a playground, running track or large patio- anything with enough space to maneuver and a hard enough surface for tricycle riding. Designate a specific path the kids need to follow. Use flags, signs, traffic cones and people to help them follow the course. If there is only one tricycle available, give each child a specific timed period to ride the tricycle. Keep track of how many laps on the course each child rides. Make it a daily event for a week. Determine first, second and third place winners for each day and for the whole week. Challenge the children to get the most laps each day and for the week. For a fundraising event, ask the children to get sponsors to pay for each lap they ride. Challenge the kids to get as many sponsors as they can. © HT Games