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Games to Learn Fast Typing

People possess varying degrees of accuracy and skill in regard to typing--some have the ability to type a high number of words per minute. Others may have little to no speed at the keyboard and struggle with their tediously slow typing skills. Those looking to learn the art of fast typing can play a number of online games to get their fingers up to speed.
  1. "Alphattack"

    • In the battle to save a city, players attempt to destroy alien letters and numbers in "AlphaAttack," available at the Miniclip site. As letters or numbers drop from the sky, players press the corresponding letter or number on their keyboard. Players gain extra lives and bombs when destroying bonus letters and completing the words "Life" and "Bomb." If players defeat all aliens, they advance to the next stage; if aliens destroy the city, players lose a life. When a series of three numbers appears on the screen, players earn more points for typing the numbers in order from highest to lowest. The game ends when players lose all their lives.

    "Axis of Evil"

    • Fast-moving word missiles threaten the United States in "Axis of Evil," accessible at the InternetGames247 site. Levels of difficulty include ''20 Words Per Minute (WPM)," "30 WPM," "40 WPM" or "Insane." As words appear on the missiles, players type them, destroying the missiles in the process. Should players let one missile reach the opposite side of the screen before they correctly type the word, the game ends.

    "B-Speed Typer"

    • Players endeavor to keep up with an onslaught of words in "B-Speed Typer," accessible at the Fupa site. As words fall from the sky, players type them as fast as they can to clear them from the screen and earn points. The rate at which words fall increases gradually. The game ends when the players' health bar reaches zero.

    "Qwerty Warriors"

    • Word-loaded enemies try infiltrating players' space in "Qwerty Warriors," accessible at the CrazyMonkey Games site. With levels of difficulty ranging from "Easy" to "Impossible," players type words appearing below each enemy. After typing the word, players press the "Enter" button to fire at their enemies, scoring points and eliminating enemies for all correctly spelled words. When the words "Detonate" and "Fullhealth" appear on the screen, players type these words to destroy all enemies simultaneously and restore health power, respectively.

    "The Typing of The Ghosts"

    • Spirits test players' typing speed in "The Typing of the Ghosts," accessible at the Novel Games site. Sporting words, letters or numbers on their ghostly forms, ghosts attempt to reach players before they get a chance to type the correct word, letter or number. While players destroy ghosts upon typing the correct entry, players lose a life if they fail to type the entry before the ghost reaches them. The game ends when players lose all their lives. © HT Games