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Rainforest Animal Games

There are many reasons to sit down and play a game. They are entertaining, of course. They also motivate and challenge children, encourage social interactions and present educational information in a manner that players may be more apt to relate to. If you want to teach about animals of the rainforest, for example, consider using games.
  1. Animal Search

    • In this game, players sort through pictures of animals and determine which live in the rainforest. Open a clip art file on your computer and print out pictures of a variety of different animals, both those that live in the rainforest and those that don&'t. Print out two of each picture. Mix up the pictures and form two piles. Make sure each pile has an equal number of rainforest and non-rainforest animals. Give a collection of pictures and a bell to each player. On your mark, players sort through the pictures, making one pile of rainforest animals and one pile of non-rainforest animals. Once a player has sorted through all of her pictures, she rings her bell. She is declared the winner of the game if she has sorted the pictures into the correct piles. This game is intended for two people.

    Animal Race

    • Players race to correctly identify the rainforest animals in this game. Print out pictures of rainforest animals. Make two printouts of each animal. On the back of each picture, affix a piece of Velcro. On two large pieces of oak tag board create two separate game boards. Draw a box for each animal picture. In each box, write the name of an animal and attach a piece of Velcro. Divide the group of players into two teams and have each of the teams form a line. Place the animal pictures on a desk or table in front of each team. Hang the game boards on a wall in front of each team. On your mark, the first player picks up an animal picture and races to hang it in the box with the correct name. Once the player has hung his picture, the next person does the same. The first team to place all of the animals in the correct spaces on the game board wins.

    Rainforest Animal Trivia

    • Play a game of trivia to test players&' knowledge of rainforest animals. On a dry erase board, write a number of dashes that correspond to the letters in an animal name. For instance, draw six dashes for the word, "toucan." Provide players with a clue, such as, "This bird has a long, colorful beak." One player at a time guesses a letter. If a correct letter has been guessed, write it on the appropriate dash and give that player an opportunity to guess the word. If a correct letter has not been guessed, the next player takes a turn. Players go back and forth guessing letters until someone is able to name the animal and deemed the winner. This game is ideal for two players. © HT Games