Things You'll Need
Roll the six dice. There are six sides on each die. Four of the sides have one of the characters G, R, D and $. The other two sides have a green E and a black E.
Choose which dice to keep, and which ones to roll again. You accumulate points for the dice you keep, but you do not receive those points until your current turn is over. If you fail to roll a scoring combination on a subsequent roll, you lose all points you accumulated during that turn.
Score 100 points for each G and 50 points for each D you keep that is not a scoring combination with the other dice.
Add points for larger dice combinations to your score. If when rolling all six dice you spell out Greed$, score 1,000 points.
Calculate points. You add to your score for matching three to six dice with the same character. Three dice with a $ scores 600 points, three G's scores 500, three R's scores 400, three black or three green E's (all must be the same color) scores 300. Three D's are worth 100 points each, but four D's are worth 1,000 points. Six matching dice scores 1,000 points.
Stop rolling the dice any time you have totaled 500 points or more on your current turn and keep your score. You can risk your current points by continuing to roll any dice you have not used for scoring, but if you fail to score with those dice you lose all your points for that round. If you have used all six dice for scoring, you may roll again starting with all six dice, adding to your current round's point total.