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Leadership Games & Exercises

Whether you need to teach a group of children or a group of adults the basics of leadership, you may need to fall back on some tried and true leadership games and exercises. This will allow your students to enjoy themselves while they learn the true meaning of leadership: cooperation and unity among teammates.
  1. Mine Field

    • Arrange obstacles such as traffic cones and other stationary items around your playing area. Divide the group into pairs and line the first pair up at a starting point on one side of the playing area. Blindfold one of the players. When you say "Go," start your stopwatch. The blindfolded person must make it to the other side of the area without stepping on any of the obstacles. He does this by depending on his partner's instructions alone. If the blindfolded player hits an obstacle, he has to rejoin his partner and start again. Keep track of each pairs' time as all of the groups take turns. The pair with the fastest time wins the game.

    Hunt for Candy

    • Divide the players into groups of at least three. Tell each group to pick a leader from their group and select an animal (such as a sheep, cow or owl) that makes a distinct noise. Hide pieces of candy around the room or play area. Separate the leaders from their groups and blindfold them. When you say, "Go," the groups have to find the candy and make their respective animal noises to get their leaders to come to the locations where you have hidden the candy. Whichever team collects the most candy wins.

    Capture the Flag

    • To develop a sense of unity as well as leadership among your students, play this classic game. Start by dividing the players into two teams and give each team its own side of the play area. Place a flag at either end of the play area. Both spots represent the teams' home bases. For best results, set up obstacles to make the game more challenging and exciting, or play in a wooded area. Each team must work together to make it to the enemy team's base and steal its flag without getting tagged. If a person gets tagged, she has to go to the enemy base and wait there until a teammate tags her back into the game. Whichever team makes it back to its base with the enemy flag in hand wins the game. © HT Games