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Stress Ball Games

Stress---from work, school, financial problems, a sickness in the family or a number of other sources---can occur at any time in a person's life. Stress can have a serious emotional, physical or financial impact, as well. Stress can be reduced or alleviated in many ways including the use of a stress ball. When squeezed, stress balls can help relieve muscle tension and frustration. To further eliminate stress, play simple stress ball games.
  1. Puzzle Piece Stress Balls

    • These balls come separately and are puzzle shaped. Arrange the pieces and connect them to each other. Keep arranging and connecting until the puzzle is complete. Grab one of these stress balls and relieve tension during your lunch break. These squishy puzzle pieces bring comfort to tired and tense hands.

    Stress Football

    • Squeeze the football or throw it to co-workers during a break. It's soft and won't damage anything around the office. Plus the compact version makes it easy to take to and from work.

    Juggling Balls

    • Some people prefer beaded stress balls over gel stress balls. Beaded juggling balls usually come in sets of three. These vinyl multicolored balls are an ideal size for juggling. At the completion of a particularly stressful project, toss these balls into the air and recharge.

    Magic 8 Stress Ball

    • These stress balls come in original (black) or clear versions. Each ball is filled with liquid and contains a cube with answers on it. Squeezing the ball gives the liquid a cloudy appearance. Ask a question, such as "Will I get a raise?" or "Does my boss like me?", squeeze the ball and reveal your answer. © HT Games